It's quite clear that unicorn stuff resembles everything at this moment. Mystically, I've had a great time unicorn themed extends on my daily agenda for around two months now. On account of the Starbuck's Unicorn Frappucino fever for putting some zip in my progression. These Unicorn Milkshakes are such a simple formula to whip to make any day progressively fun.
This formula is too basic and would be too enjoyable to serve at a Unicorn themed party or a young lady's night in. Why not?
This is only a fundamental milkshake formula made magnificent with the expansion of a little neon nourishment shading here and obviously, pastel sprinkles and scaled down marshmallows. We should get to tasting!
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Here’s what you need:
- 6 Scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream
- 1 Cup of Milk
- 2 Neon Food Colors (Pink, Purple or Blue)
Direction :
- Make two batches of milkshake in your choice of two colors. I used pink and blue for these.
- Add 3 scoops of ice cream, 1/2 cup of milk and about 3 drops of coloring and blend. Repeat the process with the alternate color. I poured 2/3rds of each color into my glasses and topped each off with the other 1/3rd.
- I poured 2/3rds of each color into my glasses and topped each off with the other 1/3rd.
- So for example, my first milkshake was filled up with two parts blue and one part pink milkshake and the other was two parts pink and one part blue. Super pretty!
- I refused to use plain whipped topping on these magical shakes, so I used one drop of neon blue food coloring in with about 1 cup of whipped topping and mixed it together to make this super unicorn friendly whipped topping.
- Sprinkle the top of your milkshake with more fun colors. I love the pink and purple sugar crystals, teal sprinkles and of course more mini marshmallows. They are just too darn cute!
Decorate the Milkshake Glass
- Lining the rim of your milkshake glass is totally optional, but I think it knocks these right out of the park. Here’s what I did:
- For each of your unicorn milkshakes, warm about a half a tablespoon of white frosting for just a few seconds in the microwave. Mix in a tiny drop of your favorite food coloring. I used neon blue and pink. Then take a spoon and drizzle the frosting around the top of your cup. Let it get all drippy and amazing.
- Then, immediately sprinkle or place you extra toppings like these teal sprinkles that I just got or mini marshmallows. Totally epic business.
For more detail :
Read More Our Recipe : Funfetti Macarons