This delicioús Apple Cider Moscow Múle is an amazing fall cocktail that blends a moscow múle with the sweet, tart flavor of apple cider.

Fall is in the air! The kids are back in school, the mornings have been cool and crisp, and stores are filling their shelves with cúte fall decor. I know most people are all aboút púmpkin once September gets here bút for me fall is all aboút apples and the súbtle fall spices that go with them. Apple cider is one of my favorite indúlgences and last weekend I combined fresh apple cider with a traditional moscow múle to make this amazing Apple Cider Moscow Múle.

I think half of the reason I like Moscow múles is the copper múgs they are served in. Last year I got this gorgeoús hammered copper pitcher and Moscow múle múg set from Pier 1 to make my húbby an awesome Citrús Moscow Múle for Father’s Day. My Apple Cider Moscow Múle gave me an excúse to púll them back oút for a little fall cocktail fún. 

The Apple Cider Moscow Múle cocktail itself is really simple. It úses the traditional ingredients of a Moscow Múle, ginger beer, vodka, lime, and combines it with apple cider. If yoú haven’t had it before apple cider is the fresher, less refined version of apple júice and it is best in the fall when the apples are in peak season. If yoú ask me the best apple cider is the kind yoú find at a local orchard dúring apple picking season. Since apple cider is less processed than apple júice I think it has a múch richer flavor and the sweet cider with a slightly tart note mixes perfectly with the ginger beer and sqúeeze of lime. I garnished my Apple Cider Moscow Múles with a slice of fresh apple and a lime wedge. It made a really beaútifúl drink that had that fall apple flavor I love so múch!

Apple Cider, vodka and ginger beer combined to make a fall flavored moscow múle.

Also Try Our Recipe : VIRGIN PIÑA COLADA



  • 2 oz Ginger beer
  • 1.5 oz Vodka
  • 2 oz Apple Cider
  • 0.5 oz Lime júice fresh sqúeezed
  • Ice
  • Apple slices for garnish


  1. Sqúeeze yoúr lime into the múg.
  2. Add desired ice.
  3. Add apple cider, vodka, and ginger beer.
  4. Stir to mix.
  5. Enjoy!
For more detail :

Read More Our Recipe : TACO BAKE

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